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Since the ages of the Vedas many sciences have been in use by our people. Our scientists have proven many theories after through reserch and experimentation. these are varied from as simple as flower arrangement to as complex as the motion and influences of planets and as interesting as the properties of stones and metals. These would appear as magic, but these sciences are still providing us with reliable.Even today scientists are agreeing to those sciences after through research. Ever since the vedic period our people believed in the supernatural, they also belived that these forces have great influence on our lives. For ages these knowledge was not written but was passed from generation to generation orally to those whome they sought fit. But now this knowledge is available in the form of books. Lets know more about a few of these sciences.

  1. Ayurvedam
  2. Aswasastram (Science of Horses)
  3. Ardhasastram (Economics)
  4. Kaalasastram (Science of Time)
  5. Kanyaa lakshana saastram
  6. Gandharvanaedam (the art of song)
  7. Gaja sastram( Science of Elephants)
  8. Chitrakarma sastram ()
  9. Parakaaya pravesamu
  10. Panchamgam
  11. Maalini sastram (Art of flower arrangement)
  12. Malla sastram (Exercises)
  13. Mahendrajaalam (Art of illusion)
  14. Meghasastram ()
  15. Dhanurvedam()
  16. Dhaatu sastram (science of Ores)
  17. Yamtra sastram (Machinary)
  18. Ratna sastram (Science of precious stones)
  19. Lakshna sastram (Science of Properties of objects)
  20. Visha sastram (Science of Poisions)
  21. Vaastu saastram
  22. Silpa sastram (Sculpture)
  23. Sabdha sastram (Acoustics)
  24. Sakthi tantram ()
  25. Sakuna sastram (Science of Omens)
  26. Supa sastram ()
  27. Saamudrika sastram ()
  28. Soudaamini kala ()
  29. Staapatya vidhya ()


1. Ayurvedam:- Ayurvedam is probably the most popular of these sciences. It was also mentioned in vedas and puranas and has an age of hundred thousands of years. They say that it had been given to us by Brahma, Aswini Gods, Dhanvantari, Bharadvaja, Atri as per Puranas. Later ages Charaka have written about Ayurvedam in 'Charaka Samhara' Still later Sukrutudu wrote about Anatomy, Vagbattu has written about potions and drugs.


2. Aswasastram :- In ancien times horses were given the utmost importance. Everything about them their behavior, food patterns, cleanliness were discussed in this. The respectable Agni Varma brought forth a book about this science.


3. Ardhasastram :- Revered Vyasa presented to us this science. It is divided into three parts and explains 82 legal ways of procuring wealth.


4. Kalasastram :- Honourable Karthikeya has presented us with a book which discusses about time, division of time, good and bad timings etc.


5. Kanya lakshana sastram :- Sage has presented to us a book on this topic where he discusses the behaviour and virtues of Ladies.


6. Gandharvanedam :-Sage Bharatha brought together the art of song and dance which was given to us by Nandikeswara, Narada and Hanuma. Song, playing os musical instruments, music, dance are the different topics discussed here. To find peace and tranquility in singing the praises of God is the basic theme of this art form.


7. Gaja sastram :- Elephants were the important artillary in our wars. Knowledge of their safekeeping was quiet important. Respected Kumara swamy brought together a book about how to recognise the body language of an elephant and 16 ways of knowing them.


8. Chitrakarma sastram :-Respected Bhima brought together this book on this topic. 200 types of painting is discussed here in a span of 12 chapters. The art of painting a person just by looking at a hair strand or finger nail is one of the tecniques discussed in this science.


9. Parakaaya pravesam :-


10. Panchangam :- Panchangam tells us about 5 important things, time, week, star, 'yogam', 'karanam'. Since it discusses the 5 'angas' it is called panchamgam. Based on time, wheel of time we can determine the higs and lows of a person's life.


11. Maalini sastram :- Rushyasrunga given us a book about flowers and flower decoration, making of garlands, decorating hair in different ways using flowers and secret messeges hidden in the different flower patterns.


12. Malla sastram :- Malludu is famous for being strongest. Exercises, sports, and 22 types fighting done with bare hand were discussed here.


13. Mahendrajalam :-Veerabahu, disciple of Subramanya swami presented to us the very entertaining art of Mahendrajalam. The art of illusion is explained here. Illusions like walking on water, floating in air are discussed here.


14. Megha sastram :-


15. Dhanurvedam :-


16. Dhaatusastram :-


17. Yantra sastram :-


18. Ratna sastram :-


19. Lakshna sastram :-


20. Visha sastram :-


21. Vastu sastram :- Vastu tells us about sites and their advantages and disadvantages, the ways to construct houses and other buildings.


22. Silpa sastram :-


23. Sabdha sastram :-


24. Sakthi tantram :-Sage Agasya presented us with Sakti tantram. The power of nature, maya, sun and the moon, fire and other 60 kinds of powers are discussed here.


25.Sakuna Sastram(Study of Omens) Sage Garga observed the sounds of birds and the words of men and found the existence of good and bad omens.


26. Supa sastram :- The culinary art presented to us by Sukaesu. Apporiximately 108 types of recipies, pickles and curries were discussed here.


27. Samudrika sastram :- The study of impressions is Samudrikam. It is said that when Sri Vishnu was lying on the snake bed over the milky sea when the sea god 'Samudra' read his impressions. As it was given by Samudra it is referred to as 'Samudrikam'. Two types of 'Samudrikam' is available. 'Hasta samudrikam' (study of impressions on hands) and 'Padasamudrikam'(study of impressions on feet).


28. Soudamini kala :- The art of telepathy was explained to us by Sage Mataga.


29. Stapatya vidya :-As told in the Adharvana veda the planning and construction of houses and cities were discussed here.

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